For Us Family

Scripture Reading - Acts 11:13-14 KJV

13 And he shewed us how he had seen an angel in his house, which stood and said unto him, Send men to Joppa, and call for Simon, whose surname is Peter;
14 Who shall tell thee words, whereby thou and all thy house shall be saved.

In a previous lesson we covered how God is “For Us” in so many ways including salvation, healing, wisdom, peace, prosperity and etc… We also taught briefly on God being “For Us” in our specific “profession” and “confession”. Which means the Lord helps us in our job (career, occupation, profession). God also watches over our words to bring His help into our situations by our confession of faith. Since we know the Love of God always thinks of others we will concentrate today on God being “For Us” concerning our family. Although we use the term “family” please do not think we are only speaking of your blood relatives. We (ihlcc) are using the word “family” in a more general sense to mean those whom you live with. Notice today’s scripture, it clearly reads that salvation is “for you” and all “your household”. Now in fairness to context we know the Apostle Peter is the one being referred to as the messenger speaking to the head of his house a man by the name of Cornelius. Cornelius was so excited to hear the good rich Word of God that he invited many acquaintances including his family and friends.-Refer to Acts 10:24 This lets us see that God is interested in all those people that you are interested in. Yes, God is the Ultimate Father so He definitely understands what it is to have a family and what it means to be responsible for your family. This is good news because all those you live with are the special people you share most of your time and attention with. At least we hope that is the case. Typically, these are the people you establish a more meaningful relationship with. Yes, these are your love ones whether they are your own blood family or people that became your family once they started living with you. Not that everyone who lives together loves each other but in general those you live with you know very well and we usually develop a caring heart for their welfare. These special individuals in our life we call family in the general sense. Yes, being in one house does seem to soften the heart because you can better understand exactly what each person you are living with is going through. Yes, you generally know a person lot better once you have lived with them. We (ihlcc) are stating these facts to emphasize that God is more concerned about your love ones than you are. Remember Jesus Christ died on the cross for all mankind not just for certain people in your household but rather all people in your household. Thus, the first believer in the family typically has a burden (a prayer assignment) for all the other members in the house to be saved. We have seen young children praying (hoping and witnessing) to older members of their family. We have heard of parents praying for their own children to develop a meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Family. We have even heard of unwanted house guest praying for others in the home because they know all people need the Love of God in their everyday life. Sometimes we are closer to those in Christ Jesus than those that are our own flesh and blood. The point is God is “For Us” personally but He is also “For Us” when it comes to our family. Yes, the Good Gracious Lord wants your family members to be a part of His Family Members. It is God’s Perfect Will for you and your family (and/or household) to know Him personally while you are on earth and to be with Him for eternity in Heaven. Generally speaking no one wants to even think about any of their loved ones going to Hell, so the best advice we (ihlcc) can give you is to live Christ Jesus before all family members consistently. Yes, if those in your own household can see the Love of God through you then you are being an accurate representative of Christ Jesus. Displaying God’s Fruit of Love while speaking His Word makes you an effective witness for God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Know with all confidence that God is definitely “For Your Family” just as much as He is “For You”. So rejoice continuously because God being “for us” means that no man, situation and/or spiritual being can successfully stand against us. Remember, since God is “For Us” and “For Our Family Members” continuously we should never lose hope for their (your household) salvation. Praise God and also remember if they are all already saved in your household God will keep them and protect them too by the Blood of Jesus Christ. Always know that we are His Family and His Children in Jesus Christ forever and always. Amen!